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How to Get The Most Out of Your Therapy Session?

How to get the most out of your therapy session kaizen wellbeing uae kaizenwb therapy dubai psychologist near me

“Progress first requires a step to be taken.”

Chase S.M. Neill

At Kaizen Therapy, we understand that seeking affordable psychotherapy and counselling can be challenging, which is why we offer online therapist services that are easily accessible to everyone.

We understand, going for therapy can be overwhelming and frightening especially if it is your first time. There is enough misinformation and stigma around mental health, the last thing we need is your fear and apprehension holding you back from seeking therapy.

Our experienced online psychologists in Dubai provide therapy for depression and anxiety, along with anxiety counselling and depression counselling.

So, our team of Psychologists have put together a guide that will help you navigate through this process smoothly. We will try and answer frequently asked questions and give you a little insider input on how to make the best out of therapy sessions.

We also offer online counselling platform services, including online psychologist sessions and therapy for panic attacks, trauma therapy, and therapy for complex trauma.

How does therapy work?

Find your perfect fit: Finding the right therapist is important for your success in therapy. Every therapist differs, their approach, their specialization. You can merely tell us what sort of support you are looking for and we will match you to your perfect fit.

Our cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in Dubai is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression.

Therapy is collaborative: No one plays the role of a spectator here. You are not obligated to listen to everything the therapist says. We need a healthy back and forth. After all, you know yourself better than anyone.

Our therapists strive to provide you with the best therapy possible to help you achieve optimal mental health.

Set goals: Be aware of what you want to focus on. It is always helpful to structure sessions and work towards a common goal. Your goals can shift, grow and change in therapy, which is a sign that therapy is working but make sure there is always a lighthouse you are aiming at.

Whether you are looking for the best therapist or best psychologist in Dubai, or just need online help and support, our online therapy services are here for you.

First Session: We understand the first session can be nerve wracking, you are new to this, this is not something you have indulged in before. All your emotions are normal and valid. It helps to have an open mind. The first session is mostly about getting to know each other, making a plan and laying the groundwork. There are chances that therapy can elicit certain emotions in you that you have managed to tuck away. Our advice: Let it out! This is what therapy is for.

Contact us today for online counselling and therapy sessions and take the first step towards improving your mental health

Be patient: Therapy is not a quick pit stop that miraculously changes your life after the first session. It took a lifetime to settle into your current maladaptive patterns and will take more than a session to dismantle them. Positive change can take time but it is worth it.

I need therapy

How to get the most out of the therapy session?

I need help

Authentic, Honest and Genuine: All the information you share during your session will be kept confidential. Therapy provides you a safe space and your concerns will be addressed here without any judgement. You put up a façade for the rest of the world, you don’t have to do that here. Try and unlock your true, honest self which makes it easier to access your feelings and thoughts.

I need counseling

Maintain a Journal: Therapy is more than the one-hour session, the work continues post session too. You can keep track of how you feel, your thoughts, your progress in a journal which can be a physical or virtual copy. It can be beneficial to summarise the insights you had or suggestions your therapist made that you don’t want to forget. You could also always come back to your journal afterwards to help you maintain the progress you have made.

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We would always love to know what you did to make your therapy process easier. Do let us know in the comments below. It could also help other clients navigate through this process better from first hand experience.

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Kaizen Wellbeing is an online therapy platform in Dubai, UAE that caters to South Asian community. There is a dearth of good therapy establishments that accommodate the mental health needs of the brown community. We aim to bridge that gap by providing you quality and affordable care by warm and qualified therapists. If you or someone you know wants to seek mental health care, please reach out at or at +971 50 961 8796 or simply book a session with us following this link. online psychologist, online counselling, therapy in Dubai, therapist in Dubai,

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